Final Fantasy XIV is an MMO that has gone through a difficult journey of ten years, so it is not surprising that a newcomer to the game may encounter problems when creating his hero. In this material, we will talk about this in detail.
The popularity of Final Fantasy XIV continues to grow. The game continues to attract a huge number of players not only for its depth but also for the prevalence of boosting services in which players can buy ff14 gil, develop characters, and complete difficult missions without difficulty. The game’s fan base is growing. And if you have never played this game, then first read our article and it will be easier for you to start exploring this wonderful world.
Character Creation
Server selection
At the very beginning, you are given a choice of data center and game server. To play with friends and family, you don’t need to choose a specific one, because the game allows you to freely and freely move between servers and even data centers of the same region. This is possible provided that the character’s home server does not change. For a complete transfer, of course, you will have to pay extra. There are two data centers in Europe – Chaos and Light. It is worth paying attention to servers with New or Preferred statuses. Characters created on them will have a double increase in experience up to level eighty. Developers often change these statuses; this can only be tracked on the game’s website.
Race selection
After choosing a data center, we begin creating a character. The first is the race: the initial characteristics (strength, agility, and so on) depend on the choice. They don’t affect the game much, so take what you like in appearance. You can change the race and appearance of a character after its creation using a fantasy vial. One free copy is given for completing the main storyline of A Realm Reborn. Therefore, when you receive a vial, it makes sense to save it until you purchase the full (basic version and the latest add-on) version with two more races. In addition, of course, the vial can be purchased at your local store. Plus, some elements of appearance (hairstyle, lipstick) can be changed using the in-game hairdresser.
Classes and professions
Now let’s move on to classes and professions. Attention here should be paid to the following things: role, city, and what profession it will transform into upon reaching level thirty. A special case is the arcanist: he can become both a summoner and a scientist (healer). They share the same experience scale. When creating a character, the player chooses one of nine starting classes. By pumping the character up, the player will receive only part of the skills – the rest are learned from teachers. This is an environment for beginners, which allows you to understand whether you like the chosen category: tanks, healers, and damage dealers, respectively. At level thirty, the class is transformed into a profession: the character begins to gain unique skills. Dragoons get jumps, ninjas learn mudras, and paladins get the ability to heal others and take damage for them. And so it is with every profession. Choosing a class in Final Fantasy XIV is a matter of preference. Without going into details, all professions are balanced.
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However, in hardcore content, some may prefer some classes over others, even because of a couple of percent difference in one of the characteristics. In any case, you can always change your profession with a snap of your fingers, for free and without creating twinks. To get this opportunity, you need to reach level ten and complete the starting class task. After this, it is enough to find the class teacher you are interested in. They are scattered throughout large cities, but at level fifteen the game carefully navigates through all the settlements where you can unlock teleportation points. All professions that appear in add-ons have level requirements. For example, to become a samurai, you not only need a copy of Stormblood but also level fiftieth in any other class. To unlock the professions that appeared in Heavensward, you need to reach the city of Ishgard according to the main scenario. There is no need to download professions that appeared in addons from scratch: they start from a certain level (each add-on starts from a different level). By the way, there is also a blue mage – a profession with some restricted activities (you cannot enter dungeons with members of other professions, for example). Select your favorite class by considering several different variables.
Play with different races and classes while selecting your first hero, and try not to stress about it too much. Decide on a play style. The best thing about Final Fantasy XIV is that it doesn’t require you to play any meta classes. You might attempt to develop your own distinctive identity.